Power solutions
What is grid congestion?
When more electricity is demanded or offered than the power grid can handle, there is grid congestion: the grid is overloaded. We use much more electricity today than in the past, both at home and in businesses.
Whereas previously electricity was only generated by power producers and transmitted through large cables to individual households and businesses, we now see more and more consumers and business owners generating their own energy and also feeding it back into the grid. Beautiful developments to which, unfortunately, our infrastructure is not yet well suited. The result: grid congestion.

Whitepaper: 6 practical tips on grid congestion

How energy transition is causing grid congestion
Ironically, grid congestion is created by the onset of the energy transition. Solar farms, wind turbines and solar panels provide green power through the grid, while electric cars, gas-free homes and the electrification of business processes and construction equipment require unprecedented amounts of transmission capacity from the power grid.
With one of our businesses (Intercel Electrification), we ourselves contribute to the electrification of (construction) machinery, and thus indirectly to grid congestion. Fortunately, as a battery specialist, we can contribute to grid congestion solutions like no other, with energy storage systems.
Our power solutions
Emergency backup power
Emergency backup power batteries Uninterrupted emergency backup power The main function of an emergency power supply, or Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), is to provide immediate, uninterrupted power as soon as …
Energy Trading
Energy trading: how does it work? Energy left over? Sell it at favorable rates With energy trading of your own energy, you can generate income from the energy you do …
Off-grid power supply
What is an off-grid power supply? The power grid ensures the continuous presence of electricity. One need only turn the light switch and the electrical infrastructure provides the transmission of …
Optimize own consumption
Optimize own consumption Self-use instead of feed-in Often, feeding back self-generated power is not possible due to increasing grid congestion. Increasing your own consumption is then a solution to use …
Peak Shaving
What is peak shaving? Leveling out power peaks Peak shaving is a form of energy management where you use another energy source, such as your own generated power or previously …
Wind and solar energy storage
Why store wind and solar energy in battery? Storing energy for future use Wind and solar energy storage plays a crucial role in optimizing the use of renewable energy sources. …

The problems of grid congestion
Grid congestion leads to significant disadvantages for businesses and society. Imagine this: you run a business that is growing rapidly and you want to expand by connecting a new location to the power grid. Due to grid congestion, it is unknown when you can get the new electricity connection, which hinders the growth of your business. Or you have a business that generates solar energy.
Chances are you will have problems feeding energy back to the gridwhich will make your investment less profitable. At the same time, overloading the grid creates high peak rates during busy hours and extremely low, sometimes even negative, off-peak rates during quiet periods. These unpredictable costs make financial planning and budgeting a complex challenge.
Energy security with power solutions
Although grid operators in the Netherlands are working hard on grid reinforcement, increasing the transmission capacity of the grid, this is going to take years. Meanwhile, as a company, you want to ensure energy security and continuity of your processes. Cellpower energy storage systems are used for various grid congestion solutions: from peak shaving to off-grid power supplies and from renewable energy storage to increasing self-consumption.